Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that applying for membership as a Play Therapist in Australia, and understanding the pathway to membership can be confusing sometimes- that is why we have these FAQ below to help you navigate our membership processes. Please check out the list of questions below, and if you have further questions to reach out via our email.

What qualifications are eligible for membership with PTPA?

PTPA requires all applicants for membership with PTPA from Associate level and above to hold a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in human services related fields including social work, psychology, occupational therapy, art therapy, music therapy, early childhood education or similar.

What if my undergraduate degree was completed overseas?

PTPA require that any applicant with a qualification overseas to have their qualification assessed by the Australian Qualifications Framework, and must meet a AQF Level 7 or higher to be eligible to apply for membership. Further information regarding the assessment process can be found at

How should I be keeping record of my hours as a member?

Members are invited to use record systems that work best for them, a suggested option is to keep a spreadsheet that lists client hours, supervision hours, personal therapy hours and professional development hours each year. PTPA reserves the right to obtain a copy of these records as part of our audit process of members as required.

When I apply, what documents do I need to provide?

When you apply online for membership with our Association, you must complete and submit your online form. Please get in contact with us if you have any questions.

How do I evidence my client hours and supervision hours when applying for Registered Play Therapist?

All members applying or upgrading their membership to Registered Play Therapist status must obtain a letter from their supervisor detailing their clinical hours and supervision hours as evidence for their application.

What training is recognised by PTPA for membership?

PTPA values an inclusive community of practice, and recognises training organisations in Australia who currently deliver play therapy services. Applicants applying for membership must provide a certificate of completion with hours completed as PTPA require any play therapy training accessed must be a minimum of 200 hours of face to face or live online and assignment based study hours to qualify for membership.

What qualifications do I need to be able to apply for Associate level of membership?

You will need to have a minimum of an undergraduate degree in human services or education related fields (please see above for listings) and completion of a minimum of 200 hours of play therapy studies to be able to apply for an Associate level. Associate level memberships can commence clinical practice, and can work towards Registered Play Therapist status by completing 300 client hours and 40 hours of supervision (10 hours can be related to personal therapy). Please note PTPA requires for anyone applying for Associate level membership to begin practicing as a play therapist, access a Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor for quality supervision.

What if I register as an Associate member, and obtain the required clinical and supervision hours to be a Registered Play Therapist within the year?

No problem at all! You are able to apply online using our application forms for Registered Play Therapist, provide the documentation as required, and pay the difference of fees to be able to upgrade.

What are the benefits of the different types of membership options?

Affiliate level membership represent those interested in play therapy, or are currently studying in the field, not practicing as a play therapist. Associate level membership recognises those members who have completed an undergraduate degree in human services or similar role, and have completed a minimum of 200 hours of postgraduate play therapy studies. Registered Play Therapists in addition to their qualifications and training have completed 300 hours of client work, and 40 hours of supervision/personal therapy.

Does my PTPA membership allow me to be a registered NDIS provider?

Yes! Our professional pathway to registration as a play therapist with your qualifications in an undergraduate degree and postgraduate training allows you the opportunity to register as a provider with the NDIS. NDIS self- managed and plan managed clients are able to see our members without needing to be an NDIS registered provider, please contact NDIA directly should you be seeking the specific line items to use for invoicing purposes.

Do you have any information or resources about how to be more culturally inclusive as a Play Therapist?

Yes, our Board is very committed to educating our members on culturally appropriate practices in the field of play therapy to ensure we are reaching a more broader scope of community members to access play therapy. This information is provided by our quarterly newsletters as well as via our website and Board member advisory services available to all current members.

How do I become listed as a Play Therapy provider on your website?

We welcome all members who are operating in private practice to list their practice on our Directory tab on the website when you register with our Association. Advertising on our website is free of charge for all PTPA members.

What can I do if I feel another PTPA member is behaving unethically?

Our Association has a complaints procedure you can undertake if you are concerned about the professional practice of another member of PTPA. Please contact us via email for a copy of our complaints procedure and how to lodge a complaint. Our Board considers all complaints received with an outcome provided within 28 days of receiving any complaints.

How could I become a Board Member?

Every year under the Office for Fair Trading guidelines our Association holds an Annual General Meeting, generally around September each year, where the positions of the Board are made available for members of PTPA to nominate to join, and are voted in. All members are encouraged to consider nominating themselves if they are interested in being an active part of the advocacy and progression of the field of play therapy through Board membership.

What professional development and training opportunities does the association provide for its members?

Masterclasses facilitated by Play Therapy Training Australia are available to members at a discounted rate, along with relevant templates and covering topics related to play therapy. Members are encouraged to share with us any other training opportunities they are delivering or apart of for us to advertise on the website.

Can I use a supervisor who is not registered with PTPA?

To count your supervision hours towards application or renewal, PTPA requires its members to use a Registered Play Therapist -Supervisor who is registered with one of the recognised Play Therapy Associations. These include PTPA, APPTA, APTA, BAPT and APT.